Season 4, Episode 12: ‘Twas the Night Before Chaos (1994)
It’s a full house for the Taylor family Christmas - Marty, his wife Nancy, and their twins are staying, as well as Jill’s mother and newly-retired father, The Colonel. But it’s not all peace on Earth: ever since retiring, The Colonel has been in a foul mood, and is constantly complaining and bickering with Jill’s mother. After consulting with Wilson, Jill decides to have Tim intervene as a neutral third party, where he learns from The Colonel that he’s cranky because he no longer has the same respect or authority he used to get as a military officer. When Tim reminds The Colonel that General Patton never spent his days moping in a barcalounger, The Colonel resolves to be a better husband and starts planning a trip to Italy with Jill’s mom.
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