Season 4, Episode 20: Talk to Me (1995)
Jill is hard at work studying for her entrance exams for grad school while Tim has been trying to pick up the slack on housework, with disastrous results that lead to him dropping Jill’s wedding ring down a furnace vent. Tim complains to Jill about how much work he’s been doing around the house, and she angrily retorts that she did all the housework for 15 years and this is the first time he’s ever had to pull his weight. In response, Tim does the logical thing and rants about it on Tool Time, bringing a couple of audience members down to rant about their significant others as well. Surprisingly, this doesn’t make Jill any less angry at Tim. After a chat with Wilson and an on-air apology segment, Tim makes amends with Jill by showing her a scale model of the office he’s going to build for her once she starts her psychology practice.
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