Season 1, Episode 24: Stereo-Typical (1992)
In the season one finale, Tim Taylor (Tim Allen) blows out the family's stereo and buys a massive, high-tech, extremely complicated replacement that vexes Jill (Patricia Richardson) to no end. After hooking the stereo's controls up to The Clapper, Tim is unable to lower the volume and a soprano on one of Jill's opera recordings shatters every window in the house. In the aftermath, Jill prompts Tim to recall all the various ways he's been injured over the course of the season.
On the set of "Tool Time," the K&B Construction guys make their triumphant return to debut their song "Rachet Rhapsody", played entirely on construction equipment. Tim dances. Al (Richard Karn) dances. Lisa (Pamela Anderson) dances. The crew dances. The audience dances. Indeed, as this first season of Home Improvement comes to a close, all are united in the shared language of dance and household maintenance.
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