Season 3, Episode 13: Slip Sleddin’ Away (1994)
When local bully Vinnie McGuirn pushes Randy too far, Tim encourages him to put the bully in his place by challenging him to a sled race - and to give Randy a leg up, Tim soups up his sled with a spoiler. When a practice run lands Randy in the ER with a sprained wrist, Jill is angry that Tim encouraged her son to engage in such a dangerous act of competition. But Randy insists that he needs to beat Vinnie in order to prove to himself and everyone else that he's not a shrimp -- and Jill agrees. Ultimately, Randy races Vinnie and beats him - but Tim manages to get injured in a rematch race with Vinnie's father.
Meanwhile, Brad is doing everything he can to get out of his saxophone lessons, while Tim and Al work with squeaky floorboards on Tool Time.
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