Season 2, Episode 4: Groin Pains (1992)
When Tim (Tim Allen) feels intimidated by the young, strapping, muscular leads in Jill's romance novels, he tries to compensate by carrying a heavy crate full of books out to the garage -- and pulls his groin in the process. Despite his injured groin (and pride), Tim tries to hide his condition from Jill, even though he's in too much pain to lift anything heavy - which makes for awkward situations on the set of Tool Time and around the house when Jill (Patricia Richardson) tries to initiate a romantic moment. Ultimately, Wilson (Earl Hindman) helps Tim realize that he injured himself because he was "peacocking" for Jill - trying to prove that he's still tough and capable, even though that's not why she loves him.
Meanwhile, Randy (Zachary Ty Bryan) has been cast as Peter Pan in the school play. To save him the indignity of having to prance around the auditorium, Tim builds a pulley system and harness so that Randy can fly -- with disastrous results when Tim tries to test it.
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